"In my many years of counseling I have found people do not always need therapy, some just need help finding hope, direction, and peace. Counselors are just people who are good at helping people find those things by encouraging them. My goal is to help you get better so you can live the life of your dreams!"


Dr. L. Wayne Kenney is a licensed therapist who is the owner and founder of Next Level Therapy LLC. He is certified by Beck institute as a CBT trauma professional. In his private practice he specializes in working with veterans, adults, children and adolescents who suffer from PTSD, mood disorders, trauma, disruptive behavioral disorders, gambling, and substance abuse. His credentials include PhD, MHS, CAADC, and LPC just to name a few. He also works with children, young, and older adults struggling with grief, loss or life transitions. Dr. Kenney strives to help clients realize and actualize their strengths in their marriages, home environments, relationships with family and their community. He credits his career passion to finding his purpose in life.

As a therapist, his goal is to support you on your journey in life of understanding your true self and desires. While your past cannot be changed it also does not have to determine your future and with proper therapeutic support you can stop reliving past choices. Let us work together to get you to a place of serenity and happiness. He has been recognized for corresponding literary works as well as appearances on TV, radio, and other media platforms. He is a husband, father, author, veteran activist, and founder of Next Level Therapy LLC.

Next Level Talk Therapy, LLC


(267) 483.7662
(215) 608.2408